
Monday, February 14, 2011

[Ein Yaakov Highlights] Tetzaveh 44-45

This edition of EYHighlights is written for the z'chus refuah of our dear friend יעקב צבי בן נחמה רחל.

איזהו חכם הלומד מכל אדם - R' Yonah in Avos explains, that a chacham is one who truly loves wisdom enough to learn and glean some wisdom from any source. The people of Modai (do you hear addar in the background?) were exemplary in three ways, which allowed R' Akiva to say he 'loved' them for the lessons they taught.

1. They showed great respect for their guests by bringing a full piece of meat to the table and cutting it only there. (Yifas Toar on beraishis rabbah 74.2)

2. They would hygienically kiss their friend only upon the back of the hand.

3. They would advise on private matters only in the complete solitude of an empty field.

Perhaps the common denominator was a very keen sensitivity to other people's concerns. Quite the expected trait to be noticed by the one who so famously said ואהבת לריעך כמוך – זה כלל גדול בתורה .

The Persians (do you hear addar sheini?) were exemplary in their Tznius with regards to eating, the use of the restrooms, and (un)marital relations. However, they are referred to as being designated for Gehinom, as this wonderful trait was actually abused by them, as a means to just enhance their selfish interests. (R' Tzadok in tzidkas hatzadik 296)

There were two forms of Geulah in Yetzias Mitzrayim. At chatzos they were freed from Pharoah's slavery and instead became servants of G-D. In the morning they were physically freed from the Egypt.

Hashem did not want Avraham avinu to experience any temporary uncertainty about the promise made to him for his descendants to leave Egypt in great wealth. So, although the true fulfillment of this would be from the spoils of the split sea, G-D also asked the Jews to get the riches from their oppressors immediately upon their departure as well.
Hashem asked the Yidden to "please" do this, (as apposed to the other mitzvos with which Hashem just tells us what to do) since He knew they would feel laxed about doing something for their own purpose. (Maharshah)

Mitzrayim's loss of their wealth is likened to a bird trap without any grain (to attract them), or like the depths of the ocean which are empty of fish. [Any insights into these mishalim are welcome.]

Posted By Dovi milstein to Ein Yaakov Highlights at 2/14/2011 11:55:00 PM

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